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Nayakrishi started its humble journey. Because of its courageous Agri-journalism, rich content, and presentation with unique layout and design. Nayakrishi quickly won the hearts of farmer’s and Agriculturist, even the most sophisticated and fastidious readers extended their loyalty toward it. Since then, Nayakrishi has been lighting up every nook and corner of Bangladesh along with other countries of the world.

The New Agriculture Movement (Bengali: Nayakrishi) is an agricultural movement in Bangladesh that opposes the use of Western pesticides and genetically altered seeds. The Movement began in response to environmental hazards that were believed to have been started by the use of insecticides and nematicides in the growing of crops.
In addition to health concerns the movement strongly promotes organic farming, and the use for food and animal fodder of plants which are often regarded as weeds. This is seen as both furthering self-sufficiency and distancing Bangladesh from Western development firms and the International Monetary Fund
Nayakrishi has a special emphasis on supporting women, with a programme of supplying cattle to poor female-headed households which are kept until a calf is born, when the original animal is passed on to another family, and the organisation of the Specialised Women’s Seed Network to collect seeds from local varieties of crops.
Values and Principles:
The most contributing factor behind the unparalleled popularity of nayakrishi is the values and principles we adhere to:
• Professional
• Journalism
With exemplary courage, we practice transparent and objective journalism
• People
• Focus
We talk of the people; we stand by the people
• Change
• Catalyst
Every day we speak of positive change
• Innovation
We look beyond the ordinary; we progress with innovation and uniqueness
• Integrity
We march together